Healing Empowerment Release

Intense Experiential Training for Women of All Ages (18+)

This training is staffed by women and men and will give you the opportunity to unlock your true self!

H.E.R. Weekend Mission

We create a supportive and empowering community by providing safe spaces and facilitating transformational weekends, circles, and workshops.


This intense experiential training for women is staffed by women and men and will give you the opportunity to discover:

What being a woman means to you • Your inner strength and resilience • Your inner archetypes • Your authentic feelings • What you truly want out of life • Your life's purpose • The inner truths you lock inside • Who you are behind the masks that protect you • Some of the wounds of your past and the decisions you made from them that hold you back from living the life you were meant to live.


Next H.E.R. Weekend

Oct. 17-19, 2025

Email us for more information or if questions. community@herweekend.com

H.E.R Weekend
New Zealand

New Dates to be Announced.



 For questions or further information on our next weekend, please email us at herweekendnz@gmail.com 

H.I.S. Weekend
for Men!

May 30-June 1, 2025!
Registration open soons!

Email us for more information or if questions.



2nd Saturday Each Month
(Unless otherwise posted)
8:15 am, (PST)
(If you are part of the H.E.R. Community and would like to attend a Board Meeting, please contact us at info@herweekend.com for Zoom link.)

Cultural Awareness

We welcome a diverse culture for both, the women participants and the men and women on staff. Culture can be defined as the shared experiences of people, including their languages, values, customs, beliefs, and more. It also includes worldviews, ways of knowing, and ways of communicating. Culturally significant factors encompass, but are not limited to, race/ethnicity, religion, social class, language, disability, sexual orientation, age, and gender identity. Contextual dimensions such as geographic region and socioeconomic circumstances are also essential to shaping culture.